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The Chip Board Archive 21

grin Time is running out for the 2012 ccgtcc Calendar

For those of you that have been waiting, now is the time to place your order for a date & hard copy of the 2012 ccgtcc Casino Collectibles Calendar. Scans & dates are starting to find their way to Todd Barrett who is once again donating his talents towards producing another work of art in the 2012 ccgtcc Calendar. A copy of a sample month is shown below (without the chips yet shown on the dates).

If you are a ccgtcc member & wish to buy a date on the 2012 version of the calendar, please contact me at to see if your desired date is available. If it is & you want that date, I'll need a scan or picture (300 DPI or better) of a GAMING chip. Payment of $10 can go to the club's PayPal account ( ) or you can send payment (payable to the ccgtcc) to me at the address noted below. Also, if you are interested in buying a 2012 Casino Collectibles Calendar, the cost is $18, which includes postage. And please note -- we ran out of calendars last year & based on what I've seen from Todd so far and the great chips being featured in the calendar, you won't want to miss out on the 2012 version. Share your passion, share your hobby & help the ccgtcc all at the same time. vbg

And a HUGE thanks to those that have bought dates & calendars so far...this is a great fund-raiser for the ccgtcc, but it's an an even better way to expose our hobby to those around you!! grin

Mailing address:
Steve Bedo
ccgtcc Membership Officer
1215 E. Dalton Avenue
Glendora, CA 91741

Messages In This Thread

grin Time is running out for the 2012 ccgtcc Calendar
Just a little side note...
Thank You Todd and Jim
grin I agree! A Big Thank you to all..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg