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The Chip Board Archive 21

for sale Harrington Raceway new $1 chips for sale

Harrington Raceway Casino in Delaware now has a new style $1.00 chip in play. The new chip shown on the right has the correct zip code 19952 - the original issue $1.00 chip on the left has the incorrect zip code 19912. I have both styles for sale at $4.00 each delivered. Other than the zip code correction the chips appear to be identical in design.

I believe this is the first time that there was a chip re-issued by a casino to correct a zip code - for that matter how many chips even have a zip code on them !!

In the future, the casino will probably re-issue all of the original value chips from 25 cents to $100 with the corrected zip code as all of the original issue chips have the incorrect 19912 zip code on them.

Please email me if you want either or both of these $1.00 chips.

These chips could start a whole new area of collecting - Chips with Zip Codes !!!

Take care,

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for sale Harrington Raceway new $1 chips for sale
Harrington Raceway
Re: for sale Harrington Raceway new $1 chips for sale

Copyright 2022 David Spragg