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The Chip Board Archive 21

Glad to hear that the storm wasnt anywhere near

the doom and gloom the news reports were forecasting.

Hope all my friends are safe and had minimal property damage

The media had been hyping this as potentially the deadliest storm ever.... they must be so disappointed.

On HLN this morning they were interviewing "Survivors", yes thats right they actually used the word "Survivors".

I am begining to wonder if you can believe anything that comes on the TV these days no matter what channel your watching.


Messages In This Thread

Glad to hear that the storm wasnt anywhere near
It's a good one, but not a huge one!!!
Re: Glad to hear that the storm wasnt anywhere nea
...and at least 10 deaths connected w/ the storm.
Latest count is 18 ... one in New Jersey.
3 dead in NJ
Doug - Make that 4 in NJ - Total Death Toll 30
Archie, I didnt mean to trivialize the situation
I understood what you were saying Doug ...
For some reason the media loves to trump

Copyright 2022 David Spragg