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The Chip Board Archive 21

Chips from around the world for sale

These chips are priced as marked, plus $2 per order for shipping in the USA. I will ship to other countries with actual cost to be determined. I have another listing of $1 chips; you can combine shipping. This will complete my listings for the immediate future.

It would be easiest to order by row and column. E-Mail your replies to I prefer PayPal (no extra fees), but checks or money orders will be accepted.

I have multiples of the Kewadin gold tokens, the German chips and the Seminole Gaming Palace $2 & $5. I will try to update photos as they sell out.

Rows 28-31: $1 each - 30B is set of two for $1

Roulettes, rows 32-37: $2 each

Rows 38-41: as marked

Rows 42-45: $5 each

Copyright 2022 David Spragg