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The Chip Board Archive 21

Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...

Ok hello again,

So as I've mentioned previously I literally just started this chipping thing a little over a week ago... I have purchased through ebay (and one here VIA the TCB Donation thread) and they finally came today, I'm stoked. it's fascinating just looking at them and trying to identify whatever i can about them, I'm pretty happy with all my purchases, one of them is a little disappointing because it won't stand on it's side, the edges are pretty worn. I needed to do a better job learning about the conditions and what they mean. (Casino Used, I.E. NOT perfect) I know once it's in an album or a box or what have you i'll just be thrilled to look at it every day!

As I stated earlier, I think I want one of my main focuses to be on $1000 and higher denominated chips. I'm sure as i was warned that will change or expand in the future. (NOTE: I have other chips but they are simply $1 chips from every casino I've ever played in) Anyway I would love to get your thoughts on how I did starting out my collection. I'm mainly worried about whether or not i over paid, or picked up some useless pieces, I need to defer to the collective wisdom of the pros!

So if you all would indulge me, i will posts links to the closed auctions I won, and you could offer your critiques? OK enough rambling by me...

my first ever chip for chipping purposes!

before I realized I need to stick to a specific theme, the chips just looked cool to me. And after having received them I can confirm they are very cool!

Now narrowing in on a theme!... this chip is awesome, feels brand new!

Focused on my theme here also, why is this so cheap? Ah CASINO USED must remember that for the future. Still a great looking chip, must have had a lot of use! so as far as I'm concerned that gives it character! haha, I believe that's called searching for a silver lining?!

Well there you have it, critique away please! I look forward to learning from you folks, I'm tough I can take your thoughts good or bad! Thanks for taking the time to read this rambling!

Messages In This Thread

Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...
Not Sure You Are Aware but..
Re: Not Sure You Are Aware but..
Re: Not Sure You Are Aware but..
Re: Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...
Re: Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...
Re: Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...
Re: Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...
Re: Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...
Re: Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...
Re: Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...
Michael, Welcome to the hobby!...
Casino Internacional is Columbia
Re: Time to put the newbies feet to the fire...
Considerations re: Big $ denominations

Copyright 2022 David Spragg