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The Chip Board Archive 21

Your 'generic chips' account is very accurate ~~~
In Response To: Your guide is fantastic ()

~~~ in respect to the posts delivered.

When actual photos and printed text attached to those photos by a manufacture showing where their production was shipped; and when the distributor who received that production photos those chips and offeres them for sale in their catalogs, should be proof that the chip was generic.

Where; how many; when and by whom that generic chip was in play does not suggest those chips were intended for any such casino/club/household...

...but to discount all facts brought to the attention of anyone asking information or to slap anyone who suggests what the initial reason of manufacture was intended for is dead wrong; especially when those facts come right from the manufacturer.

The Florida Palm (the distributor's name for the chip) chip could have been used at many locations... and there is even a possibility that perhaps one of those locations liked the chips and placed a special order with USPC at which time both USPC and the distributor might have no longer made them available to anyone else, but that does not change all photos and text made available, prior, nor does it give the person asking a question of attribution the right to say what was said because such information did not conform to their belief due to the lack of research on their part -- the actual research they are asking for.

Messages In This Thread

To whom it may concern
Dick, time to stay the course! You are doing...
You have done a GREAT job ... and continue
Don't stop now Dick! Time to push forward grin
Keep up the good work Dick
Re: To whom it may concern
Thank You For All The Time And Great Work
Dick It is my opinon that you are a class act
Your Calif. guide is awesome
Re: To whom it may concern
It is he who has made the "abrasive comment[s]" ~~
Re: To whom it may concern
Dick I consider it both a privelege and an...
I Use Your Son's Project EVERY Day.Thank You
Your guide is fantastic
Your 'generic chips' account is very accurate ~~~
I agree
Here is my write up on the Florida Palms
grin NCR ~ I agree with all of the above...
Perk up Dick

Copyright 2022 David Spragg