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The Chip Board Archive 21

You've pushed Me too far this time .. Bedo grin

Oh Yeah Mr Winer. It’s on now .

Thank you for your offer. My Flight is Booked!!!!

Now Here’s my challenge .Who lasts longer.. Mr Bedo or I ?

this is open to anyone who plays .If Stevie B Lasts longer than me , I will give Andy a $100 check made out to The American Cancer Society in the name of Greg Susong and a $5 Hard Rock chip of my choice goes to you . if you dare to take this challenge. Now Here’s your part. When I last longer Than The Winer (note I said When , not If) You Give Andy $50 towards The American Cancer Society , and a $5 Chip to me.

When I do Last longer than Mr Bedo , I’m still giving Andy The $100 check.

So to Clarify I last longer than Bedo , Your donating $50 to The American Cancer Society And a $5 chip to me . And I donating the $100 Anyway.

Bedo lasts Longer than Me, I donated $100, and everyone that Takes The Challenge Gets a $5 Hard Rock chip from me.

Does it make sense That you are putting up $50 and a $5 chip to win a $5 Chip from me, No…. does it make sense that we lost our friend Greg Susong and many other loved ones to this disease ? NO

Here’s a few extra’s

If Mr Bedo knocks me out , I’m kicking in $50 more , For A total Of $150 towards the The American Cancer Society

Last but not least , (again , when ..not if) I win the tournament , I’ll make it $200.

If for some reason I can not make it , I will still Send Andy a check for $100.

So Who wants a piece of me?

Marc Shapiro aka The Doctor
LM 2871-142

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Updated 3rd Annual GSMPT player list!
grin I'll pay Dr. Shapiro's buy-in if he plays grin
You've pushed Me too far this time .. Bedo grin
You two GUPPIES are just lucky...
would love to play but........

Copyright 2022 David Spragg