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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: Another roulette harvesting thread from the pa

Thanks Andy, that one made my day. Like all of us, I really miss him.

Messages In This Thread

Funny roulette harvesting thread from the past! grin
Another roulette harvesting thread from the past!
Re: Another roulette harvesting thread from the pa
Here are the pictures, Jim. vbg
I have had...
I Recently Posted......
Here are some of my roulette chips, Barry...
Here's a Teaser
Re: Here's a Teaser
Barry probably has enough to...
BTW Your M set is Incomplete
Here Is Some of My Collection
Funny story Andy, Quote from ScrewyLouie vbg
Steve "ScrewyLouie" Passalacqua after my...
Yes, it was fUn... The drinks made me do it vbg
omg! I been waiting for that photo!!! rofl

Copyright 2022 David Spragg