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The Chip Board Archive 21

Toronto Derek???

Was that 1967? I'd like to see the Leafs get better too. They've had some bad luck over the last couple of years.

Where is Winnipeg going to be placed next year? They can't be in the southeast can they?

Todd Barrett

Messages In This Thread

Congrats Boston Bruins!
Can you believe the poor sportsmanship
Re: Can you believe the poor sportsmanship
In no way do I believe that this reflects on all
Wes, I never saw any behavior
Re: Can you believe the poor sportsmanship
Toronto Derek???
Re: Toronto Derek???
this is what happens when you drink Molsons and no
Re: Can you believe the poor sportsmanship
Re: Can you believe the poor sportsmanship
Re: Congrats Boston Bruins!
It was a great series and fun to watch Smitty!
Yes it was & I really enjoyed it. grin
grin NCR ~ Go Bruins!
vbg Boston, Sports Capital Of USA!!!! vbg
vbg NCR ~ Amen, Brian...
Stinkies lose to Cubs 3-1
Brian very compelling point, I think it the IRISH

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