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The Chip Board Archive 21

Kansas Star Casino

Hello Chippers!

I'm attaching a few pix taken Monday of the new casino going up north of Wellington. Though Greg was opposed to this casino, he would have been taking pictures, so I'm filling in for him. And, though he was opposed to it, I'm certain he would have been there opening day to get new chips! His opposition lay in the fact that he thought it would draw some of his adult employees away from the Sonic.

I think Greg secretly wanted to be a contractor. Several years ago, when Wellington Lake was being enlarged, we had to make daily trips to the site as if it would be built faster because he watching it! When a new home was going up around us, he and Dale Koehn would make frequent visits to the site after hours.

Also here's a link to today's Wichita Eagle on the casino construction:

The kids are both home now, Robert after his first year at Wichita State. He's talking of switching to ITT Tech in the fall to work on an IT degree. Lauren completed her traveling job and is earnestly looking for gainful employment. She just flew to and returned from Boston on a job interview for Towers Watson, a global company that advises corporations on employee matters.

We'll be moving to our new (to us) home the first week of June. It's half the size of this house and is just around the corner. Our new address will be 21 Shady Lane. Having some work done inside it and once complete we'll be able to move. The realtor has been hired and we're both looking forward to listing this house. I'd sure like it to sell in the next few months and not have it sit idle.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in June!

Best wishes from Carol, Lauren & Robert

Messages In This Thread

Kansas Star Casino
Carol, Thanks for sharing.
A wonderful post Carol! Thank you, and...
Thanks for the update and sharing those photos!
Thanks Carol

Copyright 2022 David Spragg