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The Chip Board Archive 21

Archie, seeing how none of them come with...

a move package, I can't recommend any of them for you! vbg

Now if you lived in a skywatch-friendly State, like Mark and myself (NM and AZ), it would be a different story all together.

As a side note, Southern Arizona (SoAz) is soooo skywatch-friendly many areas have adopted laws and regulations that prohibit street lights except in a specific light-wave frequency. This is iontended to reduce light emission contamination to the observatories in this part of the country. The observatories have special filters, tuned to that light-wave frequency, to allow them a better viewing capability.

Aside from the oppressive summer heat here, I was more shocked of the night time darkness here. Unless there is cloud cover, I can see the Milky Way every night here in Tucson, with the naked eye. And what has been exceptionally cool, is to see the Space Shuttle/Space Station mass pass overhead at certain, optimal times! vbg


Messages In This Thread

Totally NCR: Any amateur astronomers here?
Re: Totally NCR: Any amateur astronomers here?
Which one of these would you suggest Frank?
Re: Which one of these would you suggest Frank?
Archie, seeing how none of them come with...
What Jim says is true ....
Check these out Mark ...
Re: Check these out Mark ...

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