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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: Mantle could also outdrink Mays! For...

Very true, Andy. Mantle's father died of Hodgkins at the age of 39, and he always thought that he would die young too so he became a huge drinker. Definitely not the guy to look up to like Mays was.

He also had a high school football injury which almost cost him his leg and from which he suffered his entire career.

One can only imagine what a healthy Mantle could have done!

Messages In This Thread

$5 Willie Mays chips
The GREATEST Baseball player of his era! vbg
Let's call him the co-greatest with the Mick...
Sorry Jay, No Can Do ....
Sorry, Frank... just not so
Re: Sorry, Frank... just not so
Re: Sorry, Frank... just not so
Mantle could also outdrink Mays! For...
vbg Say Hey Dude, How about some bounties vbg
Re: Mantle could also outdrink Mays! For...
Re: Mantle could also outdrink Mays! For...
Mick was my Baseball Hero - Good Job Jay
Abolutely true!!
Great Debate--Thanks Guys!!
HELLO.... what about the chips ?
At this point do you have any Mantle's? rofl
That was funny, Jim! rofl
SOLD - all four - SOLD

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