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The Chip Board Archive 21

Names help please
In Response To: Chicago Meeting PIC here grin ()

front row L to R
Mike, Rick, Rog, ?, Bill
Middle row of 5 lovely ladies
Lou's Mom, Julie, Martha, Rich's Wife, Susie
Back row
Lou, Fred, Rich, Chuck, Al K, Jay, ?, Gary, Dawn, Al B
I'm sorry for who's names escape me now, please LMK if you know them !
TY Mike and Martha for they had a long 5 hour drive, TY Don from Omaha for stopping in!
TY Lou and his mom, a first timers, TY Bill for organizing...again
TY everyone for coming and especially to everyone who contributed to the room and the 50/50 raffle which helps pay for the room!
Congrats to Al for winning the 50/50 raffle
We will definitely have more prizes for the raffle next time and a long distance award!
the long distance award was started by the late David Kolenda.
What did i miss? (besides peoples name? )

Messages In This Thread

Chicago Meeting PIC here grin
Names help please
Re: Names help please
I'm so glad! but what was your moms name? grin
Re: I'm so glad! but what was your moms name? grin
TY Sir! grin Please send my apologie to Marie
Looks like everybody had a good time. vbg
Yeah, we missed you there
I wanted to attend. But in Bangkok Thailand take
In Bangkok Thailand ? WHY?
Come join me in Thailand and meet all the ugly

Copyright 2022 David Spragg