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The Chip Board Archive 21

NCR - Sahara crowded one last time

It seems that the business wonderbrain Sam Nazarian found a way to pack the Sahara one last time- give away a little over $32,000 in built up progressive jackpots.

All you had to do was show up and get a raffle ticket. 63 winners were chosen, each getting $500 cash, and one final ticket getting I believe $507.29.

They then had what turned into a madhouse free for all giveaway for various promo swag: T-shirts, condiment racks and plate holders they had stashed in some back room.

When was the last time you saw THIS many people jammed into the Sahara? I highly doubt there will anywhere near this many saying goodbye come Monday at 2pm..........

I only hope the winners didn't put it back in Sam's pocket via a slot machine.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg