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The Chip Board Archive 21

Extra! PLEASE READ Personal Chip of the Day

Hi Fellow Chippers Derek Bistricky has been doing an OUTSTANDING Job with the new Formatt of Personal Chip of the Day IMHO.
I for one would like to see it continue, but Derek tells me it may not go on much longer due to lack of support. So I am asking all fellow chippers to send Derek one of your Personal Chips with a short story of why you made the chip, when you made it, how many you made and if you have any to trade. I know Derek lives in Canada and some people do not like shipping to Canada so you can send it to me, @ Charles Bianco 6308 MT. Everest Drive Louisville, KY 40216-1336 and I will forward everything to Derek every two weeks to be Publish. If you would like to trade with me for one of PC's send me a note and chip and I will get one of mine out to you. Please Please support Derek he has put some great work into doing this to get members chips posted so other members that have seen them can do so. Myself and Derek would appreciate your help. Charlie R-8024

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Extra! PLEASE READ Personal Chip of the Day
Here is a scan of my chip
Very Nice !!!
Thanks Reggie

Copyright 2022 David Spragg