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The Chip Board Archive 21

My advice for this years convention......

Make as many friends as you can and spend as much time as you can with them.

Each and every year I am saddened by the loss of good friends and wish I would have spent more time with them at the previous years convention to tell them what they meant to me.

People like Greg Susong, Aaron Peacock, Mark Erickson, Mike Heron, Bruce Landau, Janice Oneal, Joe Benon and Ralph Strandwold will be missed by so many.

We lose so many of our friends each year and need to truly appreciate the time we spend with each and every one of them.

I know that sounds kind of sappy, but thats the best advice I can give people about the convention.

Sure I love finding new chips, attending the auction, playing in the Poker Tournament and going to seminars, but for me the number one reason to attend the convention is seeing old friends.

Take care my friends and see you in Vegas !!!!!!!!


Messages In This Thread

My advice for this years convention......
grin Couldn't agree more, Doug!! grin
Damn, Could I have worn a brighter shirt ???
20 great people and 4 good poker players.... vbg
vbg picture with NAMES vbg

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