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The Chip Board Archive 21

Rob should win, no one else is even in the game

and Rob is not even having to play that hard. What a bunch of sheeple Rob has around him. They just follow along and worship him and his game play. Last night was a perfect time for a Rob blindside. But, nooooooooooo, we love him to much. Make me sick the way the seasons have all pretty much gone down hill.

sad sad sad sad sad

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Survivor R.I. update
My reign is almost over rofl
LOL "Update..who cares" LOL
I am rooting for "Boston Rob" to win. grin
Rob should win, no one else is even in the game
Re: Rob should win, no one else is even in the gam
Grant should win...won all the rewards for them
Re: Extra! Survivor R.I. update
That scenerio works for me!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg