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The Chip Board Archive 21

grin NCR ~ Friday Humor (Mature)... 1:14 AM, EDT


The Wise Old Woman

A young guy with a great physique found himself unemployed. However,
he had to pay the rent, buy food and pay bills... so he decided to put a
sign outside his door to see if could make some money.

The sign read:

IN BED $100

Not long after that, an old woman walks by his door. She stops to read the
sign, gets all excited and then rushes back home. She breaks open her
piggy bank and takes out the little savings she had. As fast as she is able
to run in her orthopedic shoes, she heads for the young man's apartment
with the money in her hand.

Knock knock...

The young man opens the door and the old lady hands him the money. He
gives her a passionate kiss and after counting the money tells her: "There's
$100, here, shall we get into bed?"

"Don't be so naive, young man" she replied, "I wanna do it 4 times on the floor!"

Copyright 2022 David Spragg