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The Chip Board Archive 21

Humorous Prima story...

Back when the Brian Setzer Orchestra was racing up the charts with their version of "Jump, Jive & Wail", I was a DJ (or, as we preferred to be called, a radio personality) for the big Top 40 station here in Boise. I get this phone call from this woman who is HOT because we are playing a song that is promoting drinking and driving!! How dare we and we should be ashamed of ourselves.
Well, which song is that I asked.
Well, it's that Drunk, Drive & Wail song. That is just horrific that we would be playing a song that promotes and GLORIFIES drinking and driving.
Well maam, the song is Jump, Jive & Wail. It's a cover of a Louis Prima song from the 1950s.

Didn't seem to matter to this woman. She KNEW that song was ACTUALLY singing Drunk, Drive and Wail, and we were all going to hell for playing such filth.

I had recorded the conversation, and played it for the station's Christmas party months later. It was SUCH a hit that the General Manager bought a shot for me later that night for, and I quote, "Putting up with the poster child for why some people should never be allowed to have children!"

Messages In This Thread

Happy 100th birthday to Louie Prima!
Same age as Trimble!! grin
Same age as Trimble???
I saw them in vegas-FABULOUS
Wife & I saw them 3-4 times in lounge shows
Dec 7 was his 100th
Re: Dec 7 was his 100th
Humorous Prima story...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg