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The Chip Board Archive 21

I should mention "20% of earnings from face value

~~~ price of each gold and silver chip from Casinos Austria is donated to charitable, cultural and athletic causes (e.g. the 1976 Olympic Games, the International Year of the Child in 1979 and the World Wildlife Foundation...)."

[From an article in a 1986 "Casinos Magazine"]

Messages In This Thread

NVC Gold @ $1,456.60 Silver @ $39.31
Re: NVC Gold @ $1,456.60 Silver @ $39.31
Re: NVC Gold @ $1,456.60 Silver @ $39.31
Just think of all those Casinos Austria Cold/Silve
Casino 2000 (Mondorf-les-Bains) made pure silver ~
I should mention "20% of earnings from face value
Don't expect....
The best advice I've ever heard = BuyLo/SellHi grin
Those Silver Stikers are having a Field Day!
Re: Those Silver Stikers are having a Field Day!
So How Much Is A Silver Strike Worth ?
There's an interesting post (archive) ~~~
Good point John ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg