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The Chip Board Archive 21

I'm New

Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself to The Chip Board. My name is Chris and I currently live in South Delaware. I have been collecting chips for more then ten years now. I collect mostly from Nevada but I have chips from all over. I have been a member of yahoo groups Sincity central since 2004 and have had many good trades and have been part of a few chip tours there over the years. The last few years that group has really died out and I can't tell you how happy I was to find this forum. A big thanks to Andy Hughes, I am finaly a member of the ccgtcc #R-8289. vbg
I am currently in the process of organizing my collection and I hope to list some chips I have extras of for trade in the future. I'm including a link to my facebook album " Chris's Chips" . This is just a small sample of the kinds of chips I have collected . Let me know what you think.
Well heres to new friends! grin

Messages In This Thread

I'm New
vbg Welcome to the ccgtcc, Chris!! vbg
vbg Welcome to the ccgtcc, Chris!! vbg
Re: vbg Welcome to the ccgtcc, Chris!! vbg
Welcome to the club, Chris! grin
Welcome Chris...enjoy the ride
Welcome Chris!!
Welsome & Enjoy
What are you doing next Sunday? grin
Re: What are you doing next Sunday? grin
Re: What are you doing next Sunday? grin
Welcome Chris!!! grin
Hi Chris
Welcome Chris
Welcome Aboard Chris!!!
Welcome Aboard!
Welcome - you'll love this group! grin
Welcome to the club and the board!! grin
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! grin grin grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg