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The Chip Board Archive 21

Newbie Question... sad Illegals?

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? Looking for an online resource or "guide" (preferrably free) that would give me an approximation of what illegals from California and Vegas are worth. Doesn't have to be super accurate to any degree - I just would like to get a better feel for the value of these illegals. For example, I use Ed Hertel's website as a general purpose guide to give me a better feel of where a chip fits in on the chart (I know that it's a bit out of date... I've discussed this with Ed already grin . There are also other states missing from Ed's list (Tenesse for example). I'm just looking for a more complete guide to bounce some chips off of from time to time. Thanks!

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Newbie Question... sad Illegals?
Re: Newbie Question... sad Illegals?
Re: Newbie Question... sad Illegals?

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