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The Chip Board Archive 21

Steve, did I just miss seeing Tommy's...
In Response To: vbg HaPpY "b" DaY tOmMy vbg ()

reply to your past "why" post, or did you know separately that Tommy did that date as a birthday date? (Each time I post I check your list, but saw nothing for Tommy.)

Seeing it is his Birthday...

Happy Birthday Tommy!!!


Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Calendar Entry of the Day!...
vbg HaPpY "b" DaY tOmMy vbg
Steve, did I just miss seeing Tommy's...
grin Hi Jim, he did not post an answer 2 my Why
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tommy grin grin grin grin grin
grin NCR ~ Happy Birthday, Tom...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg