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The Chip Board Archive 21

Silver dollar melt value over 23.00 ea. I had a

bag of 1000 silver $ at one time sold for 8.00 ea. years ago. Like everyone else, no idea it would go this high, over 30.00 ea now! Hindsight sure is 20/20

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Silver hits 30.40 oz.25+yr. high
Re: Silver hits 30.40 oz.25+yr. high
Very true a mid day hi I was looking at25 yr.chart
Silver dollar melt value over 23.00 ea. I had a
Re: Silver hits 30.40 oz.25+yr. high
OK you win I think it will be above that this week
2013 Price??
Ok...i should sell all my strikes at $25.00 ea. !
Re: Ok...i should sell all my strikes at $25.00 ea

Copyright 2022 David Spragg