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The Chip Board Archive 21

Back in the real world

A week in vegas is totally exhausting!! Between the chip show, and casino hopping and poker tournaments and cash games and that damned Ross Poppel making me play in the casinos until 1am every night.....go, go, go, go, go go! Glad to finally be back at work where I can take it easy.

It was great getting together with all of my chipper buds. Man, we just have such a good time. The week just flew by in what felt like a blink of the eye.

I ended up adding 168 Nevada chips to my collection, so I'm a happy camper.

Sorry that Jim Munding was so sick during the show.... he really got hit hard with the flu. Hopefully Ross is just getting a cold and not the same flu as Jim.

I just finished up on the final remaining two emails. If you are waiting for a reply from me....and haven't heard back from me yet, please email me again. It means your email got buried.


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Back in the real world
poker hands......a first time for me....
"Well...I reckon I'm gonna raise..."
Re: poker hands......a first time for me....
Re: poker hands......a first time for me....
A first for me also.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg