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The Chip Board Archive 21

Archis, it's not a question of ...

being right or wrong. And it never should have been called "global warming" in the first place. It has always been about understanding climate change and the impact it will have on the only planet we live on. It got its start over 30 years ago when "ice-cores" were being sampled, studying the makeup of the atmosphere at the time the ice froze. Considering it a "picture in time" from long ago, as samples can be studied from ice going back over a hundred thousand years, we can compare things such as CO2 levels at various times in our past. We've discovered over the course of studying these ice-cores that the makeup of our atmosphere has changed dramatically, especially since the beginning of the "Industrial revolution". And it has been these studies that gave birth to the modern climate science we know today, in an effort to understand what might be in store for all of us. And it's a real shame that something so important as understanding the impact on our planet from climate change has been so vilified and politicized. It matters!
Hoping your recovery is going along nicely! grin

Messages In This Thread

Global warming you say ...?
Re: Global warming you say ...?
Re: Global warming you say ...?
It's called "Climate Change" ...
Re: I thought it was from ...
Re: It's called "Climate Change" ...
Archis, it's not a question of ...
Excellent post, Frank
Re: Archis, it's not a question of ...
Great post Frank! Thank you! grin
Then what was going on during The Ice Age ? vbg
Re: Then what was going on during The Ice Age ? *v
I was in such a place in 1962; 48 below 0; Fraser,
Silly Archie... Dont you know lots
Yes ... of course Cigarman ...I guess
NCR: This article has both points of view.......
And just why might the two....
Re: Maybe because....
Like many things today GW is a profit center.
Re: Like many things today GW is a profit center.
Hundreds gather to protest Global Warming.....
Now THAT was funny Tyrus ... grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg