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The Chip Board Archive 21

Oh, how true that is (Short, true story)...
In Response To: Did You Know? ()

(...about 20 years ago)

Upon the postmaster receiving a letter I had addressed to a casino in a small French town, he ran over to the mayor's house to deliver it. This was explained in a return letter from the mayor who informed me that though the casino had been closed for several years, he was pleased to inform me that the plastique jetons from the casino were stored in the basement of the church where they planned to melt them for a sculpture or some sort. Not only did the box contain jetons from that casino, but also several others from neighboring departments. There were over 500 jetons (from 7 casinos) in the box.

The practic must be a common one, as I've been told that obsolete jetons have been used in the past to construct a statue in the square of another French town.

Just from what the mayor wrote... I could tell that he was so happy to be able to help... He closed with (in English): "I hope this small gift from [name of town] will help complete your collection."

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Oh, how true that is (Short, true story)...

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