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The Chip Board Archive 21

Our Coming Election

To All,
I have received several emails inquiring as to who I will be supporting for club Secretary. Rather than answer those emails privately, I've decided to go public with my selection.

Every once in awhile during our club elections a candidate will emerge who, in my opinion, stands out among ANY of the candidates running for any of the open offices. In this particular election that candidate is David Spragg.

Over the course of time I have observed David's behaviour as it pertains to our organization. I have gotten to know the man through correspondence and time spent speaking with him on a one to one basis. He truly is a fine man and one who is both knowledgeable and caring when it comes to our fine organization.

In the past I have had my disagreements with David over trivial matters that when I look back I find amusing and basically fun. When David first became involved with our organization I mistook his "jumping" in and professing his authoritative opinion on matters as rather initial botheration. In other words, I did not believe nor did I accept his statements since I believed individuals of his experience level had not yet earned the respect or "benefit of the doubt" when it came to gaming research and corresponding areas of memorabilia education.To be specific, the Borland area comes to mind.

As time has passed David has worked very hard to acquire the knowledge and expertise of those who have been in our hobby for many years. In addition, he has worked extremely hard and with great effort for our organization. When a job presented itself David jumped in and took it upon himself to do whatever was necessary for the well being of our club and our hobby.

I could go on and on but those who stay current by reading this board as well as the Chip Board know what I am writing to be true. Therefore without hesitation, I am voting for David Spragg for club Secretary. I hope you also will vote for David. Our club needs his leadership and enthusiasm.

Messages In This Thread

Our Coming Election
nice post "old man" thanks
Thank you very much Mr P grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg