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The Chip Board Archive 21

Hacking/E-Mail Viruses - Anyone Know "Tom Slater"?

I received an e-mail supposedly from someone named "Tom Slater" with the subject line "Consign Your Chips With No Fees". The e-mail was filtered to my "Junk Folder" where it remains unopened. I have seen quite a few postings recently about people being hacked and viruses being sent vie e-mail. I wonder if there is a link or connection with these issues and the ChipBoard.

Is Tom Slater a real person with a legitimate advertisement/service or is this a possible factitious entity attempting to cause harm?!

Thomas (R-7788) grin

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Hacking/E-Mail Viruses - Anyone Know "Tom Slater"?
It is legit
Thanks, John... grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg