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The Chip Board Archive 21

We Need To Re-Learn Civility
In Response To: TERRIBLE NEWS! ()

I have no idea why the moron who shot the congresswoman did it, and I hate the idea that the media will be rooting out the "why". His reasons don't deserve attention.

Our elected officials speaking to their constituency in a public forum is something we all should cherish. That displays what is best about us as a nation.

Somewhere along the line, though, we have lost touch with basic civility. It seems like now, if you disagree with someone politically, you hope they get destroyed, wiped out, etc. That is sad. Tip Oneill and Ronald Reagan used to go at it politically all day long, then throw a few back together and laugh. Why? They were polar opposites, but they both RESPECTED each others views, even if it was contrary to their core beliefs. They both knew the other was doing what they thought was "right".

I pray she recovers, and I pray we all learn to treat our fellow countrymen with RESPECT, even if we deeply disagree with each other.

Messages In This Thread

ncr: Congress Woman Gabrielle Giffords shot in Tuc
Re: ncr: Congress Woman Gabrielle Giffords shot in
We Need To Re-Learn Civility
Re: We Need To Re-Learn Civility
Re: That is BS.
A National Tragedy, very sad
Luv the palm tree chip
When I designed the Floridian Chapter chip (1998)
Re: Luv the palm tree chip

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