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The Chip Board Archive 20

grin Chicagoland Chip Meeting Rhyme...10 more days!

After all the crap I took about my mispelled RHYME grin
I don't know if I should continue, as it takes a lot of time

Please don't just point out my errors, and be a little kind grin
I make a lot of mispellings, so my errors are easy to find

The meeting is all i wanted to really point out
If TheChipBoard had sound, I would give a little SHOUT

we don't do a lot of meetings only a couple per year
We just have fun,trade,and talk chips, over a couple beers

More and more people ask everyday
its April 17th on a Saturday!!! grin

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grin Chicagoland Chip Meeting Rhyme...10 more days!
Corny but Cute...I like it.
I thought i would try something different

Copyright 2022 David Spragg