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The Chip Board Archive 20

Umpire Blasts Yankees and Red Sox

I'm glad Joe West said it..These ridiculous 4 hour games have been going on for years..

Drowsy fans of the 28 other big league teams no longer have to feel alone.

Someone in power also thinks these interminable Red Sox and Yankees games are taking too darned long.

After sitting behind home plate for three hours and 46 minuteas on Sunday night, the patience of umpire Country Joe West finally boiled over in Thursday morning's editions of the Bergen Record.

The veteran of 32 years labeled the turtle pace maintained by both clubs as "a disgrace to baseball" and said the players refuse to cooperate with the umpires when it comes to time-saving measures like staying in the batter's box and limiting trips to the mound.,232956

Messages In This Thread

Umpire Blasts Yankees and Red Sox
One of the reasons I watch less baseball
Re: One of the reasons I watch less baseball
widen the strike zone!!!
Enforcing the Rule
Re: Enforcing the Rule
They'll start to enforce it...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg