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The Chip Board Archive 20

You can vote for the OTY's via e-mail...

To make it easier for club members to vote for the OTY awards, you can register your vote with Jim Follis via e-mail. I did it and it is very easy. Just follow the directions that Jim gives on the back of the OTY ballot inserted into the magazine. Jim will confirm that he received and counted your vote after a few days. It's very easy, quick and saves you a stamp!

And remember any club member can vote this year!

Todd Barrett
Ramona, CA

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Members -- Don't forget to vote!!
You can vote for the OTY's via e-mail...
Todd is correct! Thanks Todd!
Re: ccgtcc Members -- Don't forget to vote!!
Mack, here you go....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg