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The Chip Board Archive 20

Let Coco type? NEVER- She KNOWS 2 Much vbg

I am not sure just how long I have been a member but I was coming to the chipboard before I joined the club. I understood that THIS was not “the club” itself- but where a lot of chippers hung out. As long as I can remember there have been some pretty good fights along the way. The ONE thing that I can PROMISE you is that CHIPS are NOT why I have been a steady reader and poster of this board; sure they are part, a secondary part. The REAL REASON is everyone here is like family, when I was in the hospital after by-pass I had tons of well wishes, I have been warmly welcomed here, I 'feel' as I know many of you personally by the stories you tell, the holiday wishes, the generosity and thoughtfulness. THAT MY FRIEND is the difference I see AND what others see- You know it is true because it has been stated RIGHT HERE ON THE BOARD by MANY PEOPLE, MANY TIMES- Not just me.

The Official CC>CC Website does a WONDERFUL JOB, posts there are club business related. Information is available there and many "Big Hitters" (at least bigger than me) are there. While it is a wonderful site I have NEVER gotten a Get Well Soon, How's Coco, or the warm welcome I feel here. No, that it not what that site is about- THIS site IS (or has been for years). If the people want strictly chip related topics and discussions, go to the official site because that is exactly what you will find. But, people want to come here- the PROOF is in the traffic- The chipboard has 50 times the traffic the official site has, plus the topics that get the MOST hits are actually the controversial ones, Politics, Slabbing, Wal-Mart Banana Prices... etc. even SKIP's political post after the big discussion Sunday got more hits than any of the other posts that whole day. Making the board more sterile (like the official site) will surely decrease traffic, lower the hits, and diminish the open and family atmosphere (Things that caused me to STAY here).

Why someone would choose to abandon the hobby because what happens here anymore than what happens at FACEBOOK? Simply they should frequent the Official site, this one is a private board where chippers happen to hang out. Next time I hear someone bad-mouthing chips at Star Bucks, I am coming here to complain and maybe quit the club!! Really?.. How much sense does that make? None.

Greg ran the board the way GREG ran it, Greg is not here any more Brian is, it’s HIS call now, it's his board now. If you don't like it no one is forcing you to come here- If you love it, no one can stop you (so far). So far I have loved it.

I wish I was a "Big Hitter" but my knowledge and passion pales to many (most) of you. I have learn things, I have asked questions, and I cut-up and often post junk- until now I felt it was OK. I try to share what I know with others- I am not an expert on chips but I do have an above average knowledge of banknotes. I try to share that here- I know this is NOT the forum but many people enjoy it. I do/will engage in a hot topic and say what I think (not always the best thing to do), be it again political, chips, Wal-Mart Banana prices or slabbing, that's just me. I like John Benedict- He was the first person I ever posted to (I was inquiring about a Monaco Jeton)- Politically we are on opposite sides of the fence (he's on the WRONG side & I'm on the right side vbg He just doesn’t know it). I know a lot about John from over the years, and he knows a lot about me- So, sometimes I like to poke John with a stick now and then and fire him up and I am sure he likes to poke a stick at me sometimes too. I respect John and his knowledge of plaques and MOPs and some of his viewpoints -BUT NOT ALL OF THEM!! vbg I could give a story about most of the members here- John was just one example. Off topics, heated debates (fights or pissing-contests whatever you call them) may be reasons some give for leaving- BUT remember it is the REASON MANY STAY. I am one.

I am sorry I cannot contribute more or I would- But if the direction of this board is leaning is to a more sterile environment like the Official site then I have even less to offer and it would be no fun for me either. That's just my thoughts, the answers will come from Brian as to what lay ahead and I fully respect that and admire his broad shoulders for stepping up to the plate. So, for me- We’ll See. (Man! Does this look like an AARON PEACOCK Post or What??)

Messages In This Thread

This is not
I agree 100%, Brian! And for those who...
Re: I agree 100%, Brian! And for those who...
I Agree With Both Of You
Re: But even Greg....
Re: This is not
Several viewers are forwarding the hate/racest ~~~
Re: Several viewers are forwarding the hate/racest
Re: Several viewers are forwarding the hate/racest
I believe the original thread still exists.
sad John -- you are not alone...
Re: sad John -- you are not alone...
Gene -- you're entitled to your own opinion
Re: Gene -- you're entitled to your own opinion
Re: Gene -- you're entitled to your own opinion
Re: I would deserve it.
Questions that are asked
Didn't say they weren't...they're just amongst
CORRECT, Steve... and here's why I always backed
Re: sad John -- you are not alone...
This message board is not affiliated with ccgtcc.
Re: This message board is not affiliated with ccgtcc
Everrett...if you think that the club BB gets
John, Here are my thoughts on what you posted.
Re: John, Here are my thoughts on what you posted.
Re: John, Here are my thoughts on what you posted.
NCR ~ What you're proposing...
Re: NCR ~ What you're proposing...
grin NCR ~ I think we can agree to disagree here...
Re: grin NCR ~ I think we can agree to disagree here
rofl rofl rofl Ah, the voice of reason...
I do hope that you do consider..
My Thanks for the Chip Guide
Re: This is not
grin NCR ~ My cent and a half...
Re: grin NCR ~ My cent and a half...
Re: grin NCR ~ My cent and a half...
Re: grin NCR ~ My cent and a half...
GREAT Post Phyllis. While I do agree that
Re: Don't consider it censorship...
grin I understand what you're trying to say...
Re: grin I understand what you're trying to say...
Re: grin I understand what you're trying to say...
Thanks Brian - you are the Man!!!
grin Thank you, Brian, for what you continue to do
Re: grin Another thank you
I'd like to echo what Steve said...
Re: I'd like to echo what Steve said...
It's not ALL that hard
Tell that to Brian, Paul! Are you...
Fantastic post Frank. That's exactly how I feel.
Do you have 'swear boxes' in the US?
I've seen a few "Cuss Kitty" jars in bars.
That might make it worse! grin USA
Not the point at all, Paul...
I Post my Sources
Come on, Jay!!! mad
I agree with that!
You will have to show me a Racist Post thet I have
I may have misunderstood
Re: Not the point at all, Jay
No, that is not censorship grin
Re: No, that is not censorship grin
Actually, David...
Does not apply
I'm busy all right...
There was a distinction made in the full
And your point is?
Re: And your point is?
What's next?
Re: What's next?
Re: What's next?
Re: What's next?
Re: What's next?
Re: grin Thank you, Brian, for what you continue to
Thank you Brian....
Re: Thank you Brian....
Rich, I would much rather see
As a one who almost quite the club because of ...
Re: As a one who almost quite the club because of
Thank you Brian for everything you do.
We need these occasional reminders
Thank you, Brian, for all of your work.
I'm for anything that will shut me up ~~~
John, I cant believe you !!!!! You act like your
Then you have not read my post=I AM PART OF THE IT
I must have missed the part where you admit that,
Doug, you're missing the whole point of Brian's ~~
Doug, you responded to John Long's post w/o ~~~
My apologies John, you are correct.
I'm in no way looking for apologies, Doug, but ~~~
Seems you are completely missing the point again
Greg nor the Bod ever did any such thing.
Sorry to disagree but as I was copied on both
You seem to miss the point as well.
How about you put your money where your mouth is
David, I made a statement that it has to be ~~~
David=I would like to request that you please come
I notice you signed your post as
Again, I ask that you please show where my name ~~
Re: Again, I ask that you please show where my nam
Re: I'm for anything that will shut me up ~~~
THANK You Andy. I am glad I was not the ONLY
Yes, Andy, but I do not slam Obama or our governm
This is not (long)
Re: This is not (long)
Re: This is not (long)
Re: This is not (long)
Re: This is not (long)
Re: This is not (long)
Re: This is not
Agreed. Thanks for your post.
Agree completely, and hope to see you post more
Thanks, Michael...and what you've said is
Re: Thanks, Steve...and what you've said is
The big difference, Gene is...
Re: The big difference, Gene is...
Me and Coco WISH we were "Big Hitters" ...
Maybe you should let Coco type vbg
Re: Maybe you should let Coco type vbg
I Learned a Long Time Ago.......
Let Coco type? NEVER- She KNOWS 2 Much vbg
I learned VERY early on...
Re: I learned VERY early on...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg