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The Chip Board Archive 20

grin NCR ~ Monday 12:07 AM

My NCR Humor posts are, for the most part, humorous, but they could really cover any subject. I generally post things that have been forwarded to me by friends, many of them people that post on this Chipboard. They could cover a multitude of subjects such as the elderly, rednecks, blondes, medicine, current events, marriage, drinking, gambling and possibly politics or religion.

This is what I have been posting all along, with no problems, but after what was posted here on Saturday, I feel I have to put this into writing so that there are no misinterpretations.

There was a post Saturday, directed to me, that contained an ethnic slur. That offensive post was allowed to remain on the Chipboard, eventually to be archived. Since nothing that I post would ever come close to that, I doubt Brian would bother to contact me. I should add that Greg Susong never had cause to write to me about anything I posted, nor did he ever delete anything I wrote.

In a few minutes, I'll post my Monday Humor. Please remember that the NCR on my posts means Not Chip Related and if you feel you might not like what I post, please feel free to simply ignore it and move on to another post. Really, we're all adults here aren't we?

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread

grin NCR ~ Monday 12:07 AM
Please keep posting your..
Re: Please keep posting your..
Keep Posting Them
Re: grin NCR ~ Monday 12:07 AM
rofl rofl Well, Ralph, whatever you do...
Post ONLY if you use some restraints...
Re: grin NCR ~ Monday 12:07 AM

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