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The Chip Board Archive 20

Re: NCR: My opinion about political posts (long)

Jim, I have to agree with you 100% on this one. There are a ton of NCR posts on the board in any given day but yet the main focus is still chips- just look at the subject lines of Chip Related and Non-Chip Related. The Chipboard is not only a ‘chipboard’ but a gathering of people. NCR posts reveal personalities and other interests, much like the mortar needed to hold a brick wall together. Without the mortar it would simply be a pile of bricks.

People have voiced opinions that it is a Chipboard and chips are what should be discussed, if that were the case it would be a very sterile place. Off topics in my opinion are good- Birthday wishes, Hot Rods, Jokes, and gambit of other topics- even the price of Walmart bananas. The off topic subjects have been fuel for good natured bantering as well as passionate posts. There have been posts that I agree may be over the line or downright offensive to some, while they do occur they are not common here. I personally have gained from religious posts here not long ago- I asked my Jewish friends about the practice of being Kosher, I do not think anyone was offended. There have been political posts that were not heated and some not so. If you look at the posts that cauls complaints they always seem to have quadruple the number of hits. It strikes me as everyone complaining about the liquor store on the corner yet everyone goes there. If a post gets no attention the posters would cease to post them, yet they get a huge number of hits (many non-related posts).

Greg made the board a reflection of society, no one was barred, and you could posts what you wanted, just as in public some use foul and offensive language and those people are asked to leave- Greg deleted their post- in essence asking them to leave the group.

Brian has done a stellar job in making a flawlessly smooth transfer. There is no doubt that with it goes a huge headache too. One many would not bear. Having said that Brian now calls the shots and what he says goes. Maybe there will be some good changes maybe some bad ones , but it is his call. If people like what they experience they will frequent more, if not then they will be here less. Brian needs to do what he thins is best- even is it means removing the mortar from the bricks. I would hate to see the Chipboard go in that direction but the choice is not mine to make. The majority of MY post are NCR and they run the whole gambit of subject matters. I believe most ALL of my ‘BankNote of the Day” post could be considered ‘political’ as most of my descriptions include political notations, so the boundary is a grey area. Others of course are black and white (John that is not a racial slur) such as Obama posts, and I think some would find negative Walmart posts offensive.

I will abide by whatever the rules of the board are. Greg was quick to post “this is a no holes bared place…..” If that changes, I will conform, I respect the rules laid out by Brian whatever they be.

Messages In This Thread

NCR: My opinion about political posts (long)
grin NCR ~ Very well said, Jim...
A good post and I agree. If only we
Re: NCR: My opinion about political posts (long)
Re: NCR: well said

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