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The Chip Board Archive 20


Obviously I neglected to consult you as to how I should word my post or what country I should use as an example and I don't mean that with any disrespect.

It just so happens that Haiti seems to be the latest example and has been in the news recently again.
The reason I chose it was becasue it was reported only TODAY that the U.S. would pledge the billion dollars in aid.

There are multitudes of other countries from every corner of the globe that would fit the same profile.
Countries with people of different colors, different religeons. It matters not which.
The point and the only point I wanted to make here is that we as a nation can no longer affors to support the world especially in these economic times.

It's interesting to note that very few countries have made any attempt to repay monies we have either given or lent

I suppose if you want other examples you need not look far, look at the United Nations and to see who pretty much foots the bill for that.
I also seem to remember years ago when the U.S sold fighter planes to Yugoslavia while it was still under the thumb of the USSR. Look at things like repayment of war debts. These examples pretty much all fall under this same umbrella.
As far as I'm concerned, you can add Pakistan to this list also as it seems they play both ends against the middle.
The list is endless and as it grows longer our reserves only diminish.

No John, there was no undertone of racism here if that is what you are hinting at or any hidden agenda.

Messages In This Thread

Am I being insensitive? (Rant of the day) NCR
Do something for people it's called Socialism.
We do for other countries but not our own?
Though what you say is sadly true, Ken, and ~~~
Obviously we are in Haiti for one of 2 reasons ...
It's the oil
Actually it is .....
Re: Obviously we are in Haiti for one of 2 reasons
Obama is recruiting Witch Doctors for H'Care Plan
According to Hugo Chavez,...
Re: Am I being insensitive? (Rant of the day) NCR
Obviously your slam was directed at Obama/Clinton.
roflA little sensitive, huh John? rofl
Re: Obviously your slam was directed at Obama/Clin
vbg John, are you a blonde? vbg
Please explain, fully, Larry. Thank you.
Re: Please explain, fully, Larry. Thank you.
Thanks-Let's just hope things work out for us all.
vbg Here's a test, try your skill vbg.
Can the JOKER be played as a RACE CARD? vbg
I haven't mentioned anything about race here.
Re: I haven't mentioned anything about race here.
rofl rofl
I did help. We were VICTORIOUS _ WE GOT H'CARE ~~~
John............What are you smoking???
Hey, guy... you still up in Carolina ? grin
OB has done nothing
Re: Am I being insensitive? (Rant of the day) NCR
To simplify things
Re: To simplify things

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