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The Chip Board Archive 20

Those Monies were wisly used

To Purchase The Safest form of investment available, U.S. Treasury Bonds. the Increases in your FICA (DONATION) started accumulating During the Reagan Administration.

I remember the headline well.... Social security has been Saved. One of the People to reccommend the Prefunding of Social Security was .... Who else but Alan Greenspan.

Buy the way I am Sure there are warehouses full of U.S. Treasury Bonds somewhere waiting to be cashed in.


Messages In This Thread

Thinking Out Loud
I notice Nancy Grace not only mentions number ~~~
Again you aren't paying attention
I'll only tell you that my meds set me back $4 ~~~
Ever hear of Socialism
Everytime the GOP does not like something.
What is anyone supposed to think...
Wait 'till the next shoe drops ..
Re: Wait 'till the next shoe drops ..
Re: Ever hear of Socialism Security Check; monthly
Re: Ever hear of Socialism Security Check; monthly
Incorrect Robert
Bob, Have you been watching Glenn Beck, again? grin
I switch
Those Monies were wisly used
Where will the money come from?
Re: Those Monies were wisly used
John many people who are very well off do not
Fred, not rare at all.
...and even more refreshing; not a one of us has
Re: ...and even more refreshing; not a one of us h
Phone Glenn Beck; he certainly will know. vbg
As I said
Re: Ever hear of Socialism Security Check; monthly
Re: Ever hear of Socialism Security Check; monthly
They don't control it
Re: They don't control it
I'd like to see your personal answers...
I'm willing to go the increase = to and even + ~~~
What tax or fee is an option?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg