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The Chip Board Archive 20

Thank you Bob,, I am NOT very good,,
In Response To: IMO... ()

at wording stuff and a lot of times things I think doesn't come out right. I am not trying to hide anything here or screw anyone. I just want to make sure I do the right thing and not lose a friend over my dumb ass writing. If I sell the chip now then I have done everyone wrong that said that my listing said I would take offers till Sunday at Noon. I told both members that made the offers in the emails what I had paid for the chip and I appreciated their offers. I said I would post their offers on the board. Just want to do the right thing and not hurt or upset anyone. Sheeeeeeeeez, I would screw up a wet dream!!!! Thanks again and have a great day, Mark

Messages In This Thread

for sale Hard Rock Friday the 13th 2004 Chip!!!! for sale
Re: for sale Hard Rock Friday the 13th 2004 Chip!!!! *
First offer is $28.00,, Thank You!!
Offer of $40.00!! Thank you!!
I NEED Your Help!!,, I don't want to do,,
Anyone???? Opinions Please!! I DON"T Want to,,,,
I agree with Bob's take FWIW
Thank You Mike,, Take Care,, Mark
Thank you Bob,, I am NOT very good,,
I Don't See a Problem at All
Thank you Barry,, I know it is my chip,,
grin My one and a half cents...
Thank You Phyllis,,, I have no problem,,
It seems obvious to me
Thank you Steve,, Take care,, Mark
Ok,,,, Current BID is $42.00 Shipped,,
SOLD Thank You All,,
A mess? It is trivial nonsense. Forget it.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg