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The Chip Board Archive 20

A little something for the Cuban Collectors

This is not a Casino item but it is certainly a Cuban gaming item. A Cuban National Lottery ticket from January 29, 1955 about 3 years before Castro took over.

The ticket was purchased by my father on one of his trips to Cuba in the 1950s. He used to fly from Key West Florida to Havana. I have an old airline ticket brochure he picked up and I believe the fare was $19.00 for a round trip flight. He used to like to go on the tours of the Rim distilleries and after the tour you got to drink all the rum you wanted. He told me his favorite was Banana Rum over shaved ice.

I was nine years old at the time he bought the ticket. I just wish he had brought back a pocketfull of old Roulette chips.

I hope you Cuban collectors enjoyed seeing this piece of Cuban gambling history.

Take care,

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A little something for the Cuban Collectors
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg