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The Chip Board Archive 20

It's nice that they at least gave you the option

to stay versus shoving the changes (and charges) down your throat. I would imagine that for someone like you that has so many items in your store, even a small fee increase has got to hurt.

Steve b

Messages In This Thread

New eBay fee schedule...THEY say it's cheaper??
eBay Guess who wants to be govenor of California?
Re: eBay Guess who wants to be govenor of Californ
Yup and they want me to opt in to the new...
Ricky -- do you have a choice to stay with the old
Most of my stuff is under $50 so...
BTW Yes I can stay where I am.. and will
It's nice that they at least gave you the option
They make more then I do now and im sure...
eBay is a public company
Don -- it's not the fact that they are
It's Like Casino's Advertising
"there is a sucker born every minute"
You forgot the Paypal fees!

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