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The Chip Board Archive 20

Yard Work in Central Florida NCR

Hi, I was out doing yard work today, and 2 Porpoise swam by. They were headed toward to dead end on the canal, so I went in and grabbed the SLR.

When I came back, I was just in time to catch these 2 beautiful animals swimming by. The Pelican didn’t even move.

This sight was not so rare many years ago, but the marine animals are disappearing from our ocean flood plane systems. Perhaps when NASA leaves, the Atlantic Inter-Coastal will come back to life, at least in my part of Florida?

Have a GR8 weekend.


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Yard Work in Central Florida NCR
Amazing to think you can see...
Re: Amazing to think you can see...NASA=NBD
BEAUTIFUL shot... Viva Florida [Here's my Canal] ~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg