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The Chip Board Archive 20

What spam?!?! I don't see any! grin
In Response To: Spam (71 Messages) ()

Mr. Bedo is correct. My application runs every ten minutes. So if we get flooded with a bunch of spam, then it could take up to ten minutes for my program to fire up. I don't filter it out right away. Rather my program detects it after the fact every ten minutes. Also my anti-spam application is not fool-proof. If my Internet connection goes down or the application hangs up, I might not be able to delete anything for a longer period of time. Finally there will always be some spam that my application doesn't detect. So we will never be free of the spam and will always have a need for the volunteers who help manually delete the spam on the various message boards.

On a different note... I meet some friends at Harrah's tonight. Played $1/$2 NL for a couple hours before dinner. Max buy-in is $200 and I left the table with over $800 (including my buy-in). I think I lost one hand the whole night at the river. I just ran over the table and caught everytime I chased. Then after dinner I played some craps with buddy and won a few hundred there too. I was UNSTOPPABLE! Good to get a night like that sometimes... makes up for those nights where you go home broke! grin

Messages In This Thread

Spam (71 Messages)
wow! Look at them all!
The way it works is that most of the spam messages
What spam?!?! I don't see any! grin
Way to go Brian,
WOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Nice going!! vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg