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The Chip Board Archive 20

An Answer

In order to get an image into a ChipBoard post you have to:

1) Put the image on a server that is accessible by the internet. The Chipboard has a file upload feature, check out link "File Upload" just below the banner ad. The image can be uploaded to the ChipBoard if you do not have any other service to use. They are many other free image hosting services, like the ones offering by image processors, like Kodak. The important thing is to REMEMBER THE URL (Universal Resource Locator - which is essentially the internet file name) of the uploaded image.

2) Put the image URL in your ChipBoard post. Check out the Formatting link that is next to the File Upload for instructions. But basically the grammer is:

START PIC - {PIC}, where "{" is actually "[" and "}" is "]"
URL - the location of the image
END PIC - {/PIC}, where "{" is actually "[" and "}" is "]"

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Copyright 2022 David Spragg