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The Chip Board Archive 20

How HOT Can Chips Get?? (Baking Chips W/O Burning)

.... I have outgrown my Safe and have ordered a new one. It is 2 Hour rated. My question is: What temperature can a chip take for 2 hours without damage? The 2 hour safe is rated to keep its contents under 350° F for 2 hours.

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How HOT Can Chips Get?? (Baking Chips W/O Burning)
Re: How HOT Can Chips Get?? (Baking Chips W/O Burn
what an odd but entertaining article
Rick, while heat rises, gravity manages to...
Perhaps yes, i can agree, but,
Re: How HOT Can Chips Get?? (Baking Chips W/O Burn
Re: How HOT Can Chips Get?? (Baking Chips W/O Burn

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