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The Chip Board Archive 20

Big Point $5 transfer sheet...

Last week Charles Kaplan was kind enough to offer some Big Point $1 and $5, Chipco made chips. When I took him up on the offer to get a $1 example, I did so having gotten a $5 example last year from Scott Harmon (Thanks Scott).

Of interest to me, back then, was the acquisition of a chip, that to me did not exist, but nonetheless one that I was in-search-of as I had a remnant of the production process as proof that they did in-fact exist.

Shown here is a transfer sheet once used by Chipco to print one side of 12 chips $5 chips. I believe a second transfer sheet is used to print the other side, which in this case is a duplicate sheet. At least one or two years earlier I had obtained this transfer sheet from a eBay auction, and once I received it, the search was on for an actual chip. I posted several times over the years with In-Search-Of posts here on TheChipBoard, but never got a positive reply.

Then, one day last year, Scott was offerring one of these $5 chips and I paid a princely sum to obtain it and made it part of my collection to go with the transfer sheet. Anyway, in Charles' post last week, he reminded me about the past efforts to find one of the $5 chips and I offered a copy of the scan of this transfer sheet to Charles. In getting the scan together, I decided to also post it here, as there is now a new batch of newbies that might be interested in the reverse-ink transfer process used to manufacture ceramic chips, and to also pointout that while repeated in-search-of posts may go unanswered, you still need to continually look around for what you want, as it may surface at any time!

And to this point, this is another chip that I am searching for and the only way that I know it exists is that I also have a used transfer sheet.

Here is the transfer sheet:

And here is a cropped and reverse imaged scan of one chip from the transfer sheet to see what a real chip looks like with a red background:

If anyone has a track on one of these chips, or even the casino for that matter, I'd like to hear about.

Thanks for looking!


Copyright 2022 David Spragg