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The Chip Board Archive 20

Misc Girlie chips for sale

Hi all, I haven’t been around much lately on the website, because I have been busy with immigration paperwork and payments for my wife and our kids. However, we need to take an “emergency” (AKA, short notice) trip to Bolivia to take care or some immigration paperwork and interviews. So I am trying to raise some cash short term for the trip. To that end, I am offering the chips on this listing at the noted prices plus $1.50 for shipping. Unless specifically noted, the price is face value plus $1.50 for shipping. Even the chips and chip sets that are listed at above face value, the shipping cost is still just $1.50 whether you buy one or all of the chips. Trouble is, I need the cash in the next 24 hours. That means (Even though I know many of you hate it) that payment needs to be made via paypal, and cleared by midnight tomorrow (9/15/2010). These chips are offered at the listed value, with a cost of $1.50 for shipping regardless of the number of chips purchased. I need payment by midnight on Wednesday because I have to ship the chips out on Thursday morning. We are leaving on the airplane early Friday morning, so if the chips cannot be shipped out by Thursday morning (midnight deadline) they cannot be shipped before the trip. Any items NOT paid for by CLEARED Paypal payment by midnight on 9/15 will not be shipped before my trip…although they may be made available upon my return on September 28. Short and simple, if you cannot offer a CLEARED PAYPAL PAYMENT by midnight on 9/15, you will need to wait to see if the chip is still available after I return from my trip. Thanks very much! Paul A. Danielson. PLEASE respond ONLY on the board about the chip(s) you are interested in. I will commit to the purchase BEFORE you make your paypal payment!!! PLEASE do not send payment before you have a commitment from me regarding your purchase. Any such prepayments may be returned to you if the chip(s) you are interested in have already been sold to another member.

The exceptions to the “face value” listings are as follows:

Tropicana Miss Hawaiian Tropics International Chip Set (top row 3 to the left in the “front” view – I would like $25 for the set (plus the $1.50 shipping fee)

North Shore Club c$5 chip – I would like $25 for the chip

Pick Hobson chips – I would like $30 for the $25 chip and $10 for the $5 chip.

Glitter Gulch $5 Chip – I would like $35 for this chip

Holiday Club (Reno) chip – I would like $20 for the chip.

Vacation Villiage chp – I would like $20 for the chp

Hooters $10 ships – I would like $15 for each.

Please call ASAP to get your name on the chips you want and we will go from there.

Messages In This Thread

Misc Girlie chips for sale
Strat chip, 1st scan, 3rd row, 3rd chip
Re: Strat chip, 1st scan, 3rd row, 3rd chip
download Picasa, photo-editing, turn a 3MB photo
Bigger Scans!!!
$5 Stratosphere Table Play chip is gone - thanks!
If you sent me an email...

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