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The Chip Board Archive 20

Jim, the eBay seller, like so many of them, is...

100% wrong! mad So wrong in fact, I have to wonder if anything he/she states has and validity.

While the Luxor executives (Circus Circus Enterprises at the time) had nothing to do with the UV tagging (and therefore the Luxor did NOT mark the chips), it was done by Chipco as an experiment to test their new-at-the-time, anti-counterfeiting concept.

At one of the ccgtcc Conventions past, one of the the Chipco founders (I can't recall his name (Kendall, I think)) was a guest speaker for one of the Education Seminars. At that presentation I specifically asked about the UV tagging and he said that the Luxor did not request it. It was done by Chipco to test the UV tagging process.

BTW-When I get home tonight I'll see what extras I still have and if they are the ones you need, we can work something out.


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Copyright 2022 David Spragg