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The Chip Board Archive 20

Update on Todd Family Charity Chip

The Charity Chip for the Todd Family has been mailed to me and should arrive by mid-week. As soon as they I arrive I will mail out the chips that already have been paid for at this time. Thank You to everyone who has purchase a chip to help thr Todd Family in there time of need with Medical bills. If you have not heard Mark Todds wife Tonya has been diagnois to be the the late stages of Lupus and also may have fibromylgia and are awaiting a appointment with specialist in Nashville, TN. If there is anyone else who would like to purchase a chip they are $10.00 each. Please send payment with quanity you would like to purchase to:

Charles Bianco
6308 MT. Everest Drive
Louisville, KY 40216-1336

The only other time these chips will be offered if there are any left will be at The Great Lakes Show in Battle Creek, MI. on Oct 23rd. Below is pictures of the Chip.

Thank You Again to all the fellow Chippers who have help with there support.

Messages In This Thread

Update on Todd Family Charity Chip
grin Food For Thought
Fred Thanks so Much for Your Purchase

Copyright 2022 David Spragg