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The Chip Board Archive 20

Re: Nice, What Was The Payoff
In Response To: Nice, What Was The Payoff ()

$4000 I only do a 1 bet. Very rarely do I max the machines... Cost too much and i have twice the chance of hitting something with a 1 bet. Only better hit on this machine is 3 triples. that would have been 5k.

Moved over to the same machine next to this one while i was waiting to get paid and hit a few more nice ones and cashed for another $1000. here are two of the hits. grin


Then over to the $25 Black Gold and hit this for $500 I think.

It was so easy. I was down to my last 300. Hit others too and lost on others but all in all a great night!

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Slot winner for Andy Hughs
Who is Andy Hughs??? This Andy Hughes...
Sorry Spelling is not my best... or typing
Nice, What Was The Payoff
Re: Nice, What Was The Payoff

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